A couple weeks ago, San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking Director of Marketing Christopher F. Smith embarked on an adventure in the East Bay Area. ‘Twas no ordinary journey, however. It was an Easy Bay Area filmmaking excursion put together by the good people at Propville Directory. Well known as the Bay Area’s leading resource for filmmaking and other visual arts, the group also organizes fun and educational “field trips” to many of the area’s media centers. Called the Dog & Pony Show, this rolling gaggle of creatives eat, drink and be merry while visiting some of the most interesting and compelling Bay Area filmmaking, video, photography shops in town.
The Propville Directory’s Dog & Pony™ Shows are educational & networking events designed to bring the local production community together to learn new tricks, share ideas and network with other production professionals. Because the production markets (film, photography, theater and event) often need the same resources, we find that a room full of creative people bring all sorts of new elements to the table. Everyone has something unique to offer, from a service, to a viewpoint, to another connection. Dog & Pony™ Shows are held all over the Bay Area, from Bay Area Sound Stages (San Rafael) to Rough House Post (Presidio), with panelists and presentations on topics like HD Workflow, Self Marketing, Any Budget Sound Design and Copyright Protocols.
Smith spent the day with the Show and had this to report.
I emerged from the Berkeley BART stop and wandered over to the Berkeley Rep where the Show was to start. We gathered around our transportation for the day, the super-cool Teacher Bus, and then crossed to the street to our first stop: Berkeley Rep Theatre. We learned a bit about costuming and wardrobe tips-n-tricks and then we piled back in the bus and rolled out to our next destination, The Saul Zaentz Film Center. In transit, we heard a bit from hair/make-up artist Elizabeth Fox and nibbled on some awesome pound cake. At the Film Center we got to speak with the smart folks at Color Flow and Berkeley Sound Design and watch some slick reels.
Then we popped back in the bus and drove to downtown Oakland where we had a wonderful, hand-made lunch in the park from the positively vivacious Eva D. from Secret Kitchen. We all mingled and chatted about big projects and other fun, creative stuff before making our way over to KTOP. Big Zig Camera Rentals told us a few things about their operation and we toured the KTOP studios.
Finally, we took a spin through the legendary Alameda thrift shop/prop house, Pauline’s, and piled in the bus for our return trip.

The entire experience was shot by Sean Donnelly of Corduroy Media and filmed by Scott Stender and Jon Felix of Mill Valley’s Digit. Photographer Meigan Canfield shot for Propville.
Teri and Propville are such a great resource for all things Bay Area filmmaking. While they do have a comprehensive list of Bay Area resources, they go much further by engaging friends and members on a personal level. They are building the crucial community ties that make this area such a creative wonderland. Anyone can print a list but it takes real passion and energy to build and maintain a viable artistic community. I’m super-glad I got to tag along!
Learn more about Propville or sign up for the next Dog & Pony Show!