“After completing the “Essential Filmmaking Program” and two months into the “Advanced Filmmaking Program”, I can say I am glad I found the San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking. Since day one we had a camera in our hands and before I knew it, I had a completed film I can call my own. With the help from Stephen, Jeremiah, and the rest of the FilmSchoolSF staff, I am seeing my ideas come to life along with my dreams. Whether you want to remain Independent or go Hollywood, FilmSchoolSF will help you kick start your dreams and guide you in the right direction. The opportunities FilmSchoolSF provides are amazing. Since I have been here, I have worked on several short film productions (not including my own projects), worked on a music video shoot, and helped film a concert production. We will all get hands on experience on a Feature length film produced by the school and work with industry professionals, thanks to FilmSchoolSF… And the course is not over yet. There is no other school I can think of, that provides the opportunities like the San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking; they keep us posted on upcoming gigs. It is up to us, the students to follow up, if we snooze we loose! Just like in the real world, something overlooked in many films schools, but not FilmSchoolSF. If you are serious about making films and are currently reading this testimonial… You found your school, quit looking elsewhere!”
Jay P. Gonzalez
Digital Filmmaking Program
Advanced, 2006