One of the best parts of FilmSchoolSF is the wide spectrum of students we see from around the world and from around the block. So many interesting and awesome people come through our doors every year and each bring their own stories, character and creative spark.
We’ve had a three students from the great country of Spain lately and we took a few moments to chat with the one with the coolest hair – Beltran Luque. Before coming to America and entering FilmSchoolSF, Beltran was in a death metal band called ANVIL OF DOOM. Watch the video below. Serious business. (Editor’s note – Spelling and grammar unaltered from answers received.)
Where was this video shot? What concert? Who did you open up for?
This was in my hometown, Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz, Spain). The show was a 3-day festival called Metalway and there played Megadeth, Celtic Frost, Edguy, Annihilator, Kreator, Sodom… and many more!It was incredible!
Was this your first band?
No, it was my first band as a singer, but before i was playing guitar with my best friend Octavio Vazquez. but this is the band that I have been longer, and involved …
What made you go from music to filmmaking?
The film and television was something that always been a constant in my life as music, I’ve always been doing this two things at once. But now after leaving the band, I decided to focus a bit more in the film, and improve my career as a filmmaker.
You’ve been in the US for over 8 months now. What’s your favorite thing about America?
There are many things I like to use, but I think the freedom to be creative, and as people appreciate the job well done, regardless of your dress or social status impressed me.

Spain won the World Cup. How did you celebrate?
Wow was amazing, we met many friends and went to see the game at Civic Center and then when we win, we went to a restaurant on mission dristic, where we ate and drank and after that I cannot remember very well hahaha.
What is your filmmaking focus? What are your strengths as a filmmaker?
I love fiction, I focus more on that, but I also love making commercials and documentaries. I think my strength is to create something visual, and of course the job has to be professional
What do you plan on doing after graduation?
I’ll try to find a job in the field of film, and still make my short films here in Usa.
Any advice for future filmmakers?
Follow your dream, you and work hard!